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Showing posts from June, 2016

Barnes and Noble-Fairfield CA

There is a certain comfort to know that bookstores are still around.  Tablets are great when you want a quick read between meetings, a download in an airport, or for the sake of convenience.  There is an aesthetic feeling of actually handling a book.  Given that you can highlight a paragraph, or not have to worry about losing your bookmark when you use a tablet.  Perhaps, it's the nerdy feeling of walking through the aisles of a bookstore, grabbing a corner chair to read and thumb through a few pages before purchase.  The tablets don't have the artistry or allure of book covers that causes curiosity.   Then there is the children's corner, where parents lovingly read stories.  The tables and carpets are bright.  Also, the music section where we can purchase good old fashioned Vinyl records or listen to cd's.    Barnes and Nobles bookstores seem are few and far in between.  It seems like perhaps downloading a book is the wa...

Public Bikes-San Francisco

Most Empty Nester's try to take vacations.  My youngest son is in college.  He has been away for a few months now.  I always said that I'd go back to college and enjoy it the second time around.  I'm not at that point yet. I figured, with our income tax return why not buy a bike? We have bills to pay, a tuition, and all the additional expenses that go with it. Let's do something for fun but close to home. As life goes, I've managed to hold a second income in the household, eat well, and stay fit. We get older, busier, and good old visiting the gym gets harder and harder on a daily basis.  In light of the expectation of getting new bike, I've been conditioning my legs to prepare for the journey whenever I do hit the gym. This weekend we invested in two pairs of "Public" Bikes.  They are city bikes, popular in the Bay Area.  I didn't even try it out at the store.  I was too embarrassed. Thoughts of a middle aged woman on the bike and falling ...